Liberation Oracle: A Teacher for a New World

By Shea Malloy— Astrologer, Tarot Reader & Treasured Client

Sarah’s nodal promise is one of holding up a mirror to the light and reflecting it back onto something new. At first, this refraction produced by her piercing insights may feel blindingly harsh. However, sitting with the challenges she issues to you will leave you newly unchained, free to move away from the unsupportive paradigms and structures you once lived your life by.

Discernment is one of her greatest gifts. Pulling the veil of white supremacist and capitalist glamour down, she exposes illusions — especially the ones we have around our identity and relationship to self. Sarah is a teacher who detaches shame from her shadow by bringing it into the light.

Sarah has spoken often about her time steeped in scarcity mindset, self-sacrifice, and superficiality — and how staying there would have been second nature. Her South Node in Leo in the 10th House describes the makings of an extremely convincing con artist, salesperson, and ruler. This placement illustrates experience in being able to put on a facade like you would a uniform, easily detaching from the emotions evoked and actions incited in others. 10th House South Node in Leo is the hand constantly reaching for the next rung of the corporate ladder, aiming high because it was constantly impressed upon that achieving “more” was better, it didn’t matter the “what” simply “how much”.

But Sarah had a choice. That same 10th House South Node in Leo answers to Sarah’s natal Sun: Gemini in the 8th House. The 8th House is the place where excess and waste is disposed of or repurposed via the forging of a new creation. Sarah is the creation in question here. Her 8th House Gemini Sun is one constantly self-examining, challenging its level of awareness, shining a light on dark corners and secret places. She knows that to gain something new, you must be willing to lose something old. 

On the other side of her nodal axis lies her 4th House North Node in Aquarius. Her accelerated mission in this lifetime, the place that demands her dedication to growth and evolution lies in her root system. Acutely aware of the entrenched patterns of her lineage and familial choices to participate and prolong their own suffering, Sarah knew that she could not follow a course that had already been set for her. She rebelled. She chose to make her own way. The first in her family to do and be many things, to break patterns and curses cements her as a true Aquarian North Node black sheep. 

Aquarius North Node in the 4th House is a leader that is not invested in personal glory or burning bright — this is a leader that is invested in everyone having a place around the fire, everyone taking responsibility for tending to it, everyone understanding the necessity of the fire for survival. Understanding the importance of Sarah’s mission and purpose is required in order to appropriately engage with her work. She needs her clients and colleagues to know what’s at stake, what there is to gain. Aquarius North Node in the Fourth House demonstrates her commitment to directing the wisdom of her lived experience into building a new framework, a new foundation for humanity to be nurtured by and to be held accountable to — a collective investment.

Cutting through the dull roar of virtue-signaling and endless doomism infodumps, her voice is a needed disruptor. She dethrones the status quo by sharing stories of her own life that most people attempt to conceal from outside judgement. Sarah’s storytelling reverberates with deep vulnerability and a blunt honesty, a shocking approach in a world fickle with its approval and quick with its rejection. She does not shrink away from harsh truths. This is what occurs when the North and South Nodes are in conversation with one another, working in tandem: Aquarius telling truths for Saturnian purpose — building something stronger, Leo exposing shadows with Solar illumination — showing up in wholeness without shame. 

Sarah is someone who asks for serious investment in her work. It’s a serious mission she has taken on. She’s not the first stop on your awakening or radicalization journey — but she’s waiting for you further along the path. Sarah is here to be a teacher of teachers, a leader of leaders. Her purpose here is to facilitate the evolution of the world by creating containers and holding spaces that allow for the accelerated development of humanity.

As a mentor, she constantly draws on her lived experience, never shying away from the ugliness, the isolation involved in these pivotal moments of ego death and rebirth. Sarah’s willingness to submerge herself in the discomfort of her darkness makes her a leader well-equipped to help people recognize their uniqueness and individual gifts, and, further, teach them how to get out of their own way in order to share said gifts with the world, to collaborate with her and her mission to evolve the world.