How I Work:
A revolutionary approach:
In a world saturated with conformity, my work emerges as a radical force of true empowerment. I reject the sterile confines of corporate professionalism and instead lean into the rich tapestry of philosophical insights, intuitive guidance, and experiential wisdom. My approach is not merely about following strategies; it’s about co-creating an authentic narrative that resonates deeply with the soul's purpose.
As a shadow-worker, I navigate the complexities of the human experience, engaging in the uncomfortable truths that often go unspoken. This path may trigger and activate, but it is precisely what ignites the combustion necessary for personal and collective liberation. My mentorship is anchored in integrity, revealing the shadows that hold us back and illuminating the path to profound self-understanding.
Each offering I craft is a unique expression of my authenticity, allowing my mentees to tap into their own multidimensional selves. I am not here to coddle or enable. Instead, I challenge you to dive into the depths of your potential, to transform your ideas into powerful manifestations that serve the greater good. Together, we will shatter illusions and ignite the fire of activism within, knowing full well that this journey is not just about business—it's about a sacred mission that calls every courageous spirit to step into their truth. Your story, when told with passion and rawness, will make an indelible mark on the world. Let's embark on this revolutionary journey together.
I exclusively work with revolutionary women, femmes, and gender-expansive individuals who are or have been womb-bearers. This decision honors my lived wisdom and capacity; I simply do not possess the experience, education, or desire to serve those outside this realm, including individuals born male or who transitioned in either direction. While I hold deep reverence for their experiences, I trust there are leaders better equipped to serve their unique needs. My focus is on the sacred, embodied experiences of womb-bearers.
I do not work during my menstrual cycle. This means I may occasionally reschedule calls or pause engagement in 1:1 or group chats to honor my sacred bleed and need for rest. When this occurs, I will communicate clearly and ensure you are informed.
I offer and expect clear, honest communication at all times. The intimate and transformative nature of my work often activates triggers or discomfort, and I do not shy away from these moments. Growth and liberation require facing discomfort with courage and an open heart. If you feel triggered by my words or actions, I invite you to approach me directly. Holding onto resentment or avoiding dialogue is counterproductive, especially if you are committed to shadow work and liberation. In my experience, difficult conversations often lead to the deepest healing and transformation.
Aside from my Know Thyself membership and mini courses, all clients must complete an application before working with me intimately. This ensures mutual alignment and shared intentions before committing to this sacred work. My application process evaluates your self-awareness, lifestyle, mindset, and readiness to engage in shadow work, healing, and transformation. This is not therapy or medical advice—I am a philosopher and mentor devoted to liberation and empowerment. It is essential that you are prepared to take responsibility for your journey.
I do not offer refunds. It is your responsibility to:
• Read my How I Work section carefully.
• Manage your subscriptions and budget appropriately.
• Communicate with me directly if challenges arise.
Failing to cancel a subscription, budget for services, read my policies, or address issues proactively is not my responsibility. However, I am committed to supporting you through difficulties and, in some cases, may offer alternative services or payment arrangements based on the situation and our rapport.
My work is deeply sacred, and I only take on clients I am fully equipped to serve. In the past, I have made the well-intentioned mistake of working with individuals outside my capacity or who weren’t truly read or willing to do the work, and the results did not reflect the integrity or impact I strive to uphold. This is an example of choosing honesty over performative “goodness.” This is an example of what my former mentor, Nikhol Rei, distinguishes as “dogma vs. devotion.” Dogma says, “If you care about liberation, you shouldn’t discriminate in any way,” while devotion says, “I honor the communities I am uniquely equipped to serve and trust others to lead where I cannot. In short: I know my lane, and I’m staying in it—for your sake and mine.
You are probably going to get triggered:
It is my job to point out the subconscious undertones of whatever you are saying to me— whether you are venting, ranting, raging or anything in between.
I am going to see your deepest wounds, insecurities, fears, and beliefs and we are going to discuss how your environment, experiences and social conditioning designed the landscape of your subconscious.
I am going to expose the victim and scarcity mindset you thought you already overcame, and I am going to point out allllll the ways you play yourself for temporary validation, pleasure, resources, etc.
This is the deep work that I am committed to undertaking in the name of truth, integrity and liberation.
Truly empowered individuals and collectives do not avoid being honest with themselves or holding themselves accountable because they know there is no true liberation otherwise.
Things my mentees struggle with the most:
Some mentees, especially those who are either still somewhat new to shadow work or have a blockage in the form of cognitive dissonance, trauma, mindset, fear or medications that alter your mental, emotional or hormonal disposition, struggle to accept certain emotions, perspectives or truths about themselves. This is a completely natural experience and is bound to come up frequently until my mentee comes to understand that acceptance is the first step towards liberation. You cannot be liberated from that which you fail to acknowledge and accept.
The work I do can be very triggering. Sometimes, when I communicate my observations about limiting or self-sabotaging subconscious beliefs based on the subtle energetic cues I witness in my mentees, they become defensive and reject my observations, as they may contradict their conscious self-identity. This is a natural part of the shadow-work journey, but when a mentee refuses to reflect and instead projects, determining that I, or my observation, is the problem, the shadow-work halts until/unless reflection and self-realization occurs. This doesn’t mean that all of my observations are 100% accurate: rather, it puts the focus on the trigger and the shadow for which it is a messenger.
Because we live in a world riddled with oppression at the hands of the colonial, capitalistic, white-supremacist patriarchy, many people are trapped in a victim mindset, which prevents them from being able to take (full) accountability for the harm they cause to themselves and others. Mentees may struggle in taking accountability because they have indeed been wronged, but fail to see how they are perpetuating the narratives and experiences of their victimhood because it is frankly easier than taking their power back, which starts with taking accountability for the ways they perpetuate that harm through identifying with or running away from it. To put it as straight-forwardly as possible: your trauma and indoctrination aren’t your fault, but they are your responsibility.
Without coincidence, these have also been my greatest struggles throughout my personal shadow work journey. The goal of my work is not to avoid ever experiencing these struggles again; rather, it is to be grounded in the knowing that these triggers are the sacred mirrors of your subconscious/shadows and the divine messengers of your spirit— and thus catalysts of inner alchemy.
This is the living wisdom of Know Thyself and Embodied Liberation: deep intimacy with yourself coupled with the unwavering devotion truth, integrity and liberation creating the conditions necessary for the revolution we are so deeply invested in and divinely connected to.
If you are new to my world and want to explore my work at the most accessible price-point, this offering is for you! The Know Thyself membership is where I share a variety of philosophical, intuitive and experiential wisdom that will lead you back home to yourself. In this classroom, self-understanding is the primary objective. This is a multi-media, multidisciplinary and multidimensional membership for those who are ready to to meet themselves where they’re at in order to get where they’re headed.
The Embodied Liberation Alliance is a long-term group mentorship experience for rebels, mystics and revolutionary sacred service providers who know that your very existence is meant to be a beacon of light and liberation. This offering includes consistent live group calls, a full-time group telegram chat for reflection and integration, access to my Know Thyself membership, recorded programs and resource library as well as the opportunity to collaborate with me and the group for a multi-day revolutionary event called The Embodied Liberation Symposium, where you will share your medicine with our extended community and begin to make your investment back while still in the program! Where they do that at??
For those who are ready to go ALL IN on yourself, 1:1 mentorship is for you! This is a sacred space for you to be vulnerable in order to heal, love and liberate yourself.
1:1 mentorship includes 2 60-minute 1:1 calls per month, M-F Telegram support, access to my Know Thyself membership for as long as you’re in 1:1 mentorship, and a resource library of recorded programs that you will have lifetime access to.
Keep in mind that this is the most intimate way to work with me, and I will not hold back when it comes to exposing you to your inner demons and guide you into a delicate dance where you alchemize the fear, pain and shame that feeds those demons into self-worth, power and liberation.
Meet your guide, Sarah Chaaban:
Philosopher ~ Mystic ~ Revolutionary
I’ve lived many lifetimes so far, and I’m only 34. I have been an academic, an educator, a sales-person, a lover, a fighter, an artist and a dumb bitch.
I am grateful for all of my experiences because they each led to incredible personal and spiritual growth, and this is how I became a shadow-worker. I wasn’t initiated into shadow work by any organization or institution. I don’t have any shadow work certifications. My initiation into shadow work was one of blood, sweat and tears.
Don’t get me wrong: I did go college and even grad school where I studied history, philosophy, cultural anthropology & sociology, and as a lover of wisdom (philosopher), I will always be a student in some capacity or another. During my time in grad school, I taught introductory philosophy courses which is how I realized I love teaching, but hate the politics of institutionalized academia; this is how my business was born. Currently, I am learning astrology, tarot, human design, herbalism, gardening and djing while mentoring amazing women and femmes on their self-worth, liberation and ethical entrepreneurship journeys. I’m a gemini/ manifesting generator: multidimensional barely scratches the surface for me.
Having lived so many lives (and I plan to live many more!) where I acquired such a variety of living wisdom while already being deeply coded with multidimensionality, I am able to see much more than meets the eye, which is why I go by the name oracle: I see the unseen, which is a necessary skill for shadow work (my own and for those I support).
In this lifetime, I am also a Palestinian with her north node in Aquarius: revolution is in the blood and dust I am composed of. Revolution is at the heart of all of my work: I am here to liberate myself and others by shining a light on deep-seated individual and collective shadows so that they may be alchemized into truth, love and sovereignty.
My gift of sight paired with my multidimensional disposition allow me to see paths forward that would otherwise go unknown or be dismissed as impossible.
Understanding that our conception of possibility, along with literally everything else, has been distorted through intentional indoctrination is but the first step towards liberating yourself from the metaphysical chains you have been programmed to enforce on yourself which is itself but the first step towards becoming the change you wish to see, so to speak.
I acknowledge that my work delves into deeply intimate spaces, yet I must clarify that this is not an invitation into my personal life. Naturally, the topics of our conversations with be deeply personal which can blur the lines between mentorship/friendship. Similarly to how those who engage in sexual intercourse with sex workers may develop romantic feelings in response to the deep intimacy experienced. As a result of many awkward and uncomfortable experiences with this, I have refined my marketing and implemented an application process; as a result, it is only natural that my mentees and I resonate on a deep soul level: I make my mentees feel seen and heard in a way many of them have never experienced. As beautiful and intimate as this is, I must insist that the boundary between mentorship to friendship remain firm in order to protect the safety and sanctity of the work we are doing.
My gift of sight into the shadows and subconscious is a constant presence; I cannot simply switch it off. This means that even in what may seem like casual conversations, I perceive the unseen elements at play.
It has become clear to me that sharing my observations holds value only when there is specific intention, reverence and reciprocation on the part of the person seeking my insights. Offering my perspective outside of that context can diminish the potency of the medicine I strive to provide. Simply put, I cannot share such an intimate gift with anyone who is casual about it or I. Therefore, it is essential for me to uphold strong boundaries around my sacred service. I appreciate your understanding and respect for this sacred boundary.